
Permissions please

Did an interview with CNN last week as part of a piece on the G-wiz. They wanted to film me driving around in ‘the style of my vlog’. I asked if I could host it on my site for all and sundry – but to no avail – they wanted £1000 for the usage. Didn’t […]

Did an interview with CNN last week as part of a piece on the G-wiz. They wanted to film me driving around in ‘the style of my vlog’. I asked if I could host it on my site for all and sundry – but to no avail – they wanted £1000 for the usage. Didn’t even need me to sign a release form. Talk about the media giants ignoring alternative distribution methods…


One reply on “Permissions please”

Danny’s discontent

A friend and a known UK vlogger, Danny Fleet, had an interesting run-in with the Old Big Media. They [CNN] wanted to film me driving around in ‘the style of my vlog’. I asked if I could host it on

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